Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Dial H #10

Dial H #10 was interesting the Hero as Glimpse escapes from the Canadian Government building.  Then  Nelson brings the Bristol Bloodhound with him.  The big reveal is that the reason the Canadian’s had  a problem with their dial was because to make it work you dialed S.I.D.E. for sidekick.  So that explains why they just could not get their dial to work without a Hero to provide direction to the sidekick.  Now the good guys have a Hero dial and a Sidekick dial they go out on patrol together Nelson takes the sidekick dial and becomes Copter.  Roxie takes the Hero Dial.  They have a few adventures in a montage with a very surprising ending.   The government agent Centipede fills the reader in on more background of the dial and Thomas Edison dealing with the Dial’s creators.  All in all this was a well written and interesting comic we have more story evolution and some more information on where and what is behind the Dials.

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