Thursday, May 2, 2013

All Star Western #17

All Star Western Featuring Jonah Hex #17 was horrible, it was badly written and the story was lame.  After some improvement at the end of the last story I was really looking forward to seeing what would happen next.  Instead we get an impractical and impossibly stupid plague that hits Gotham followed by what appears to actually be the results of plotting of the bad guy.  I also have to mention that the 19th Century Stormwatch story was a bad rip off of the Girl Genius comic, the rip off is bad enough and cheesy enough and close enough to Girl Genius that I would not be surprised if lawyers would not be involved soon.  If not the Girl Genius people are dumb.  All in all I just have to say this issue was bad do not bother reading or spending your money on this comic if you have not already done so.

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