Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Batman Inc #8 R.I.P.

Batman Inc #8 where I seemed to have missed issue #7 and considering what happened in this issue it might be hard to find a copy.  The story starts out mid something riot like possibly related to the events in Death of the Family.  Robin and Nightwing are working to help Batman out of a jam.  There is a long and eventful fight with some banter between Robin and Nighwing I am not really sure why Robin took off the battle suit helmet but oh well.  I figure that since the end of the comic made the news this is not really a spoiler but just in case: Spoiler! Alert!  But for some plot based reason Robin dies he is killed by someone claiming to be his brother but that Robin called Father.  Considering that children trained as the Robin’s replacement have died and come back to life in the past the death of Robin (Damian Wayne Al ghul) is bound to be short lived.  At the very least Robins’ death is valid until the next plot point and a handy Lazarus Pit.  Do not get my sarcasm wrong this was a good climatic story.

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