Friday, August 16, 2013

A + X #7

A + X #7 was another excelling amazing and fun issue pairing members of the Avengers and X-Men fighting to save the day.  The first issue has Iron Man (Tony Stark) and the Beast working together to prevent the corruption of an anti-Hulk weapon by a computer virus.  The dialog was well written and sharp with Tony completely on target with his wisecracking and genius.  The Beast also had some great dialog.  In the end Iron Man fails to prevent the computer virus from taking over the power armor that was meant to fight the Hulk.  The now rogue armor is winning the fight when the Hulk shows up returning from a mission and destroys the anti-Hulk armor accidentally.  It turns out this was all set up by Bruce Banner as a way to remind Tony Stark and the Beast who was the smartest of them all (in the Marvel Universe anyway).  The second story stared Iceman and Thor.  They are fighting against a new Frost Giant whom had entered our human world to destroy it.  He had a new weapon that was all power full.  Thor was doing the traditional trying to smash the bad guy with his hammer while Iceman quipped at Thor’s bad luck, because frankly Iceman was much outclassed.  Also Iceman was enjoying mocking Thor.   Thor manages to power the Casket of Ancient Winters an object that could destroy the world.  One side effect of the onslaught of a powerful winter blast was to increase Iceman’s powers.  Iceman manages to take down the Frost Giants where Thor had failed.  The humor in this story was really good and in the end even Thor got the joke.  As I said above both stories were very entertaining and if you have not checked out this team-up comic you should.

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