Thursday, August 29, 2013

Thor God of Thunder #8

Thor God of Thunder #8 was entertaining as previous issues had been while some were lacking.  Young Thor is working to help build the godbomb along with thousands of other gods.  Young Thor meets his Granddaughters the Goddesses of Thunder (all three of whom are wearing a lot of spandex for some reason even if they are not wearing much clothing at all).  Young Thor manages to get hold of a bomb build by the slave gods and goes to try and destroy the godbomb.  All he does is toss himself into space.  Where he manages to hit the middle Thor with a shark – where the shark came from no one knows.  But it is an amusing break between old Thor asking for more ale.  The final splash page is very nicely done and dramatic as all three Thors united together are ready to attack Gorr the God Killer.  While the story is interesting this whole Godbomb story tacked onto the original Three Thors against the God killer storyline is just disappointing.  The original story with the growth of the Thors seemed well done and interesting and then just abandoned.  I am still waiting on an Explanation on how Gorr a mortal was able to not just kill gods not just gods in single combat but entire pantheons of Gods.  Gorr killed thousands of Gods if not millions of them.  Then those he does not slay (which is against the stated storyline) he has been enslaving gods to mine minerals to build his bomb.  I’m still waiting to find out how some peon has been able to pull this off.  It is obvious that Gorr is now a god by virtue of his slaying of gods but it still does not explain his ability to slay so many gods.  I fear that in the end of this story arc everything will be erased and go back to gods are powerful and un-slayable.

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