Sunday, August 18, 2013

Worlds' Finest Huntress and Power Gril #12

Worlds’ Finest Huntress and Power Girl #12 was very disappointing.   Having Desaad show up pretending to be Mister Miracle was an inspired plot twist.  But for whatever reason making it so that no one but Power Girl or the Huntress could see his true form or the fight was lame and a sure sign of sloppy lazy writing.  Then having Power Girls Tony Stark like Business Empire magically crumble with no way to stop it was well copying 30 year old Iron Man stories.  Then having Desaad attack and kill off the normal people that worked for Power Girl and helped to make the story interesting makes me less likely to buy future issues.  I had enjoyed Worlds’ Finest current incarnation because it was based in the current Batman New52 world and lived by those rules.  But now Desaad can just summon tanks and armies to crush unpowered normal people and no one in the world notices; not the Justice League, not the Justice League of America (they were formed to stop this crap) no one in the world notices.  It is just breaking from the already established continuity of the comic.  Disappointing.

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