Thursday, August 1, 2013

Age of Ultron #5

Age of Ultron Book Five was good.  There was very little action beyond the Red Hulk getting zapped by the original Nick Furry.  The story starts out with a flashback to a few months ago when Hank Pym Tony Stark (Iron Man) and Reed Richards fixed the Vision.  We then flash to current events where we find Austin Texas had not yet been destroyed for some reason, until now.  We then get to see the planning and arming session of the Good Guys in Nick Fury’s secret bunker.  The Red Hulk gets Ares God of War’s axe and Tony gets his old not networked or hackable by Ultron armor.   The plan turns out to be part of the group using Doctor Doom’s time platform to attack Ultron in the future.  Once they are gone Wolverine decides to power up the platform to go back into time to kill Hank Pym before Pym builds Ultron. 

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