Monday, August 26, 2013

Age of Ultron #7

Age of Ultron Book Seven was really good.  If it had been an issue of the Fantastic Four or X-Men (or one of the Wolverine titles) I would have been ecstatic.  Instead the story (which ends in a cliff hanger) has nothing to do with the Ultron story even if the first few pages were Sue Storm and Wolverine wondering if they had done the right thing or not in killing Hank Pym.  When our heroes return to the “present” they are attacked by the Defenders seemingly acting much like the Avengers.  It was very interesting to see the “present” heroes and how they were different from our main timeline counterparts.   Wolverine was still the stereotypical Wolverine and the Thing along with Dr. Strange seemed normal.  But Colonel America (Looks like Nick Fury), The Hulk (with Bruce Banners Brain) Captain Marvel (Jean Grey?) Cable (Cyclops) as well as Star-Lord seemed different.  The biggest change seems to be Tony Stark has gone all armor and protecting us for our own good.  I am interested in seeing how this sub story turns out but would prefer some focus on the main story.

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