Thursday, August 15, 2013

Deadpool #8

Deadpool #8 was very interesting.  The story starts out with a recap and showing that the previous “flashback” and “unpublished” issue ties into the new story line.  Deadpool makes plans with Agent Preston whose soul lives now that she is dead.  Turns out the demon from the previous issue is calling in the debt owned since Deadpool did not fulfill their contract correctly – Deadpool is required to hunt down and kill people who had made deals with the Devil.  The team regroups with Benjamin Franklin and the Necromancer and then head off to try and fix things.  Deadpool manages to capture the first target and while walking away he is waylaid by a pretty woman and friends.  Once Deadpool was taken down they harvested his blood and organs.  Apparently this has been going on for a while now and they are good at the harvesting.  This is weird even for Deadpool and another plot that the writers might follow up on at a later time.

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