Monday, August 12, 2013

FF #6

FF #6 was again very disappointing.  Well the part where one of the Mole Kids deciding it was female that was kind of interesting.  What was bad was how most of the issue was dedicated to the Yancy Street Gang bullying Darla Deering, the solution taken by Ant-Man was to cyber bully them back.  I’m not sure that if the gang was truly as apt as hackers as claimed in this story that one hack back would stop them.  If it was me and I was a punk kid I would keep right on doing this thing that made me money and got me attention.  That is the problem this comic book says that the correct solution to being bullied is to do something worse back to your bully.  Not find a peaceful way to resolve the issue or go to the proper authorities when your phone is hacked.  No you need to get revenge.  So where does this cycle stop?  Does it stop with guns killing people?  It just shows to me that the people working on this comic are not taking the job seriously.  I’m very disappointed.

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