Sunday, August 11, 2013

Guardians of the Galaxy #2 !!!

Guardians of the Galaxy #2 was good it was basically a fight interspersed with a flashback.   The good guys fight to save the Earth and specifically London from alien attack.  There was also a flashback to a meeting of powerful people including Peter Quill’s father J-Son of the Royal Conclave of Spartax where there is a frank discussion of what to do with the Earth.  It was kind of cool to see who showed up for this little shindig lots of powerful leaders.  All of them at one time of the other have invaded attacked or otherwise messed with the people of Earth the; Supereme Intelligence of the Kree Empire, Gladator leader of the Shi’ar (Ok they know they are not rulers of the Galaxy) Young Annihilus leader of the Negative Zone, Queen of the Brood! The All-Mother of the Asgardians Freyja and Y-Gaaar of the Brotherhood of the Badoon. Back at the battle I was amused by how the good guys kept trying to contact others on Earth for help in the fight.  I especially liked the count down on power level of groups they should try to contact; The Avengers, the Fantastic Four, Defenders then how about the Power Pack.  In the end the heroes win the battle but are “arrested” for violating the agreement that no one was to land on the Earth.  

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