Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Dial H #12

Dial H #12 was confusing and seemed to go off in a totally different direction from where the story left off last month.  The repair creature goes off kind of randomly chasing dials while Roxie and Nelson fight with Centipede and the other guy hand to hand.  Then things get weird.  Suddenly there are more heroes and sidekicks that you could poke with a stick, they all end up back in the hidden Canadian military base where there are another bunch of dial users and a lot of people saying I’ll tell you all about it later.  The repair thing and Centipede get pushed back through the portal to the signalverse or wherever the dials come from.  Then someone points out that this was exactly what Centipede wanted as if it was a bad thing.  At this point I will say that the creative team for this comic has totally lost their way.

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