Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Age of Ultron #6!

Age of Ultron Book Six was interesting.  The heroes were broken into two teams in this issue one went to the future and the other went to the recent past.  The two heroes who went to the past were Wolverine and Sue Storm.  They went into the past to kill Hank Pym in an attempt to prevent Ultron from ever being created.  The other larger team went to the future in some stupid plan to attack Ultron in his future where he dominates the world.  In the past Wolverine and Sue Storm steal a flying car from a youngish Nick Fury and fly to Manhattan in search of Pym.  Considering the importance of the situation there was a lot of talking.  The group in the future did not fare well because well they were trying to sneak up on a world controlling robot that had had forever to prepare. 

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