Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Batman Detective Comics #20

Batman Detective Comics #20 or the Emperor Penguin comes to power.  Somehow the Emperor Penguin spends the first half of this comic kicking Batman’s ass.  He hangs Batman from a tree and leaves him to die – always a bad idea to not ensure the job was complete.  How Batman did not notice that maybe the Emperor Penguin would be a threat makes a big case that maybe Batman is not really that great a detective.  Meanwhile the true Penguin Cobblepot gets his out of jail for free card played.  The Penguin then goes and saves Batman from dying and they work together to capture the Emperor Penguin.  It was all a rather routine and boring Batman compared to the more recent stories.  We then get a backup origin story of the Emperor Penguin, the son of a no-body mobster killed for no reason.  Once in Blackgate prison the Emperor Penguin is taken to see the “Boss” of Blackgate prison and kills him after they talk for a bit.  Then on his way back to his cell he tells everyone to call him Emperor Blackgate.

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