Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Batman the Dark Knight!! #17

Batman the Dark Knight #17 was really a disappointing comic.  The writer and editors seemed to have forgotten what happened in the previous issue and the plot spent a lot of time recapping what had gone before.  I am disappointed that the recap story ended up as such a bad use of the Mad Hatter.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Talon #5!!

Talon #5 (still not Batman)! Oh but wait we get to see the real Batman and Nightwing argue about the Court of Owls and the aftermath of the Death of the Family story line.  Then we get reminded that the super Talon serial killer is featured and he goes to kill random people living in Gotham for no reason and no police response despite structural damage to the building.  Then our hero and friends finds a way to sneak into the next impossible mission against the Court of Owls.  We end with a cliffhanger because this was just a boring filler issue.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Teen Titans #17 Death of the Family Aftermath!

Teen Titans #17 Death of the Family was somewhat interesting.  The story truly had nothing to do with Death of the Family unless you count the drive home in the limo a tie in.  The Titans get new digs and Red Robin broods and more.  I guess it would matter more if I knew who all the characters were and what their normal interactions were like.  But since this is one of the new52 comics I have been avoiding (mostly from comic book overload) I do not know if I should care.  There is another problem with this comic in that there are four different stories, three of them might relate to the Teen Titans and one is an advertisement for another soon to come out comic book.  It added to the confusion, I do not like the look of the new Raven, it added to the chance that I will never buy this version of the Teen Titans comic book.  I say that even with more than a few of the old Teen Titan comics in my collection.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Dr. Manhattan #4 - Before Watchmen

Before Watchmen – Dr. Manhattan #4 was much much better than I feared the comic would turn out.  The last two issues were boring naval gazing crap.  This issue resolved the crappy story line and moved into through and past the original Watchmen comic and movie.  The cover art of this issue is completely unrelated to the story within the comic which was kind of annoying.  My one big complaint about Dr. Manhattan comic was it was the one with the most old school hero potential and it was wasted.  Dr. Manhattan was the one true not insane hero of the Watchmen universe and all he did was manipulate the universe to give up his free will and impose his will upon the universe to reach an ending he did not like or want.  He could change the world with a though to prevent the end of the world due to Nuclear War if it came to that end.  But instead he imposed order so that the story went only one way.  Ugh so annoying.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Captain Marvel! #10

Captain Marvel #10 where to make things interesting we make our hero Carol Danvers to stubborn to stick with doctors’ orders and get some rest.  So macho, so much like the stereotypical male why not just bring back the first Captain Marvel?  I am not saying woman cannot be stubborn but sheesh.  I like the to-do list “taped” to the first page of the comic that was an amusing idea.  I am starting to like Captain Marvel’s assistant Wendy who seems to know when to not follow the bosses’ orders.  Saving the subway was well dialoged.  Bringing in Captain America and his flying motorcycle could actually be a good idea if Carol survives to the next issue.  The fight with Deathbird was kind of stupid if not for bringing in the end of issue cliffhanger.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Morbius! #2

Morbius the Living Vampire #2 had interesting dialog and the story advanced.  But the comic seems to assume you know all about this character.  I have to point out that a super either a villain (or hero) that at times has fought Spider-Man to a standstill or even won a fight sure seems to be having trouble with some guy on steroids.  I’m hoping the story improves beyond what we have now.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Thor God of Thunder! #5

Thor God of Thunder #5 is a bit boring when we are not visiting new worlds and gods.  Hearing the God Killer Gorr ramble along in a monolog that is just about the entire issue is annoying.  Having the different Thors start to interact seems a bit silly for a comic so interesting and grim.  Oh well so much for this being a good comic though I have some hope the writers will pull up and save the comic from a terrible crash in quality.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Wolverine Max!

Wolverine Max #4 is disappointing in that most of the comic is Creed (Sabertooth) ranting about how Wolverine is evil and not a good guy.  I’m also confused that even though Creed knows Wolverine regenerates he thinks that somehow he could cause Wolverine permanent brain damage.  I am also going to repeat my statement that it is really lame and clichéd to have Wolverine, the guy with the best healing power ever, could have such a crappy memory.  At least the plot advanced and we now know who actually committed the act of terrorism in blowing up the 747 from the first issue.  I admit to rolling my eyes upon viewing the last splash page of the comic that advertised that next issue will be the “Final Showdown” between Wolverine and Sabertooth – which leads me to say really? All the other final showdowns were fake and this one is the real final showdown?  Maybe Wolverine will finally die and Marvel Comics (AKA Disney) will willingly lose all that money from pissed off Fanboys.  Oh well I can dream.  I will lay odds that Sabertooth dies (again) but will somehow return to life in some future comic book adventure. 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Star Wars; Scoundrels!

I just finished reading Star Wars: Scoundrels by Timothy Zahn, it is a good caper story.  Unfortunately a lot of the surprises are not that exciting and are only surprising because the reader is kept in the dark but not the bad guys.  The story really feels stretched out and the book could have easily been 100 pages shorter.  As it is the book is 60 pages shorter than it appears as there are two "preview" stories to get you to read other Star Wars books.  I guess my real problem with the story is we know how it will turn out.  The book says on the back cover the story happens right after the first Star Wars movie but before Empire so everything has to end back where everything was before the next movie.  I much prefer the shared universe books before set movie history or after.  Though when it is well done, I do enjoy a good Han Solo story.  Read the book if you like it is not horrible just not that incredible.

Deadpool! #5

Deadpool #5 we see the end of Reagan and there were lots of old movie jokes while fighting on an old Russian missile platform.  Then when Preston gives Deadpool a long motivational speech the dead George Washington appears with LBJ and almost everyone dies.  Not sure how they will get out of this but the Necromancer will think of something and well Deadpool can’t die.  I was amused by the Reagan jokes and old movie references.  This was a decent issue.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Red Hood and the Outlaws! #17

Red Hood and the Outlaws #17 was more Death of the Family aftermath.  It was a very interesting recap and review of the Red Hoods life.  It was interesting to the interaction of the different characters, Arsenal, Starfire, Robin (ah Ghul), Alfred, Nightwing and Batman.  I was kind of surprised at the ending I did not expect a cliffhanger.  This makes me grateful I was not paying attention to the list of Death of the Family comics coming out next or the plot summaries.  This is first time in a number of issues of this mega story that I have been surprised.  Good comic.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Justice League of America #1 !!!

Justice League of America #1 was simply a setup issue.  It was rather disappointing that the first collection of the JLA was Amanda Waller and Colonel Trevor deciding who made a good team member or not.  There were a number of headshots and assumption that the person picking up this comic had been reading all the “new52” comics up to now and did not need to be brought up to speed on what was going on in the DC Universe.  I think this was a mistake because I for one have no idea what has been happening with the characters being brought into the JLA.  I do not read Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Vibe, Hawkman or Catwoman.  When I heard that the JLA was getting a comic I kind of assumed that it would be another Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman comic.  I mean that was the Justice League of America back in the day and that was the JLA in the cartoons.  If DC was hoping to bring in new readers with a throwback to earlier comics giving the reader all these new folks is just going to turn off those new readers.  I did like how the Martian Manhunter showed up but I was equally disappointed when we find out who the shadowy figure turned out to be as he “died”.  I also feel the need to repeat that this whole talking episode was boring.  There was no grand fight or surprise fight or crisis brining the Heroes together.  It is just the government plotting against the Heroes

Friday, April 19, 2013

JSA Liberty Files

JSA Liberty Files – the Whistling Skull #3 was interesting but kind of a filler issue.  We learn a little more about the Skull’s history and in the end we advance the main story.  Not much else to say about the issue without giving something away.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Secret Avengers #1

Secret Avengers #1 was alright with a disappointing ending.  Seriously Hawkeye is getting spread around more than Spider-Man at this point it is just stupid.  Not to mention the Black Widow while popular does she need to be in another comic?  Then there is the memory editor first Wolverine loses his memory if you look at him funny.  Marvel Comics and its writers really need to find something besides memory loss to create drama in a Comic Book.  Nick Fury is fine, this is his job he kills people and does the super spy James Bond thing.  But Phil Coulson I thought he was dead?  I guess Marvel / Disney realized he was the more popular character from the Avengers movie.  The actual story was just a bit disjointed apparently because of the memory editor thing.  The start of the comic was a classic Hawkeye story with Hawkeye in a bad way only to be saved by another Hero.  The bad guy was interesting and I was amused how he did not believe Hawkeye was telling the truth.  The whole story could have been a great stand up part for Hawkeye but in the end he was not a hero but just a pawn of greater planning.  This is why in the end I did not like the comic.  I’m hoping that an Avenger comic would be more than the heroes have no idea what they are doing because that never ends well.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Fantastic Four!

Fantastic Four #4 continues the travels of the team in time and space.  I do not even know where to start in saying how disappointing this issue was.  Once again Reed Richards the so called Mister Fantastic has done something so very selfish and idiotic.  I really do not like the new and evil Illuminati version of Mr. Fantastic.  I was also not happy that the only way the writers felt they could include the Thing and the Human Torch was by having them fight.  As the writers like to point out by having Reed be evil the Thing and Torch have not changed at all.  I’m just so disappointed in this comic the writers had a chance to fix all that was wrong with the Fantastic Four with this reboot and instead they just made things worse.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Cable and X-Force!

Cable and X-Force #4 was rather stupid, this comic started out with a lot of promise but apparently it was destined to be nothing more than yet another whiny it is not my fault X-Men comic.  Oh well not even going to point out what is wrong or how stupid this story has become.  It is yet another comic where heroes cannot get help because well “we can’t tell the authorities (X-men, Avengers, SHIELD)” because they could help fix this mess. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

X-Treme X-Men #10

X-Treme X-Men #10 – This issue is mostly devoted to the back stories of some of the team, we already got Kurt’s (Nightcraler) backstory.  With this issue we get more backstory for the Scott “Cyclops” summers and his world and American Civil War with mutants.  Then we learn where James Howlett (Wolverine) and Hercules came from and why they knew each other.  Then we meet this worlds Namor and then a Nazi Xavier.  Unfortunately the team is in a confused state not knowing who to fight or trust.  Once again I think this could be very interesting.  As a student of alternative history it will be interesting to see how this all works out and well the team will have to kill Xavier even if he turns out to be a good guy.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Uncanny X-Men #1

Uncanny X-Men #1 was surprisingly good for an X-Men book.  The whole do not reveal who was squealing on the mutant revolution was a bit corny it worked in the end.  I’m not really sure what to mention in detail but the comic was good, but it could be better if there was more focus on the team than just on Cyclops.  Not just that but I do not understand why some of this back story with the new team was not just used in this book instead of stealing pages from the Uncanny Avengers. 

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Ame-Comi Girls #5

Ame-Comi Girls #5 Featuring Supergirl.  Was kind of disappointing, while we see some of Supergirl’s backstory it is not complete and nowhere near the detail given to Superman’s backstory.   The writers seemed much more interesting in placing the female characters into positions the reveal their crotches and breasts than advancing a story.  At least this is the issue where yes Brainiac reveals her plan to destroy the world and she has been preparing to fight Supergirl.  I gather there is some backstory as to how or why Braniac knew there were Kryptonians on Earth but as the story is told it is a weak story.  At least we now have all the main and some of the second string supers assembled for the big old invade Earth fight.  Oh well. 

Friday, April 12, 2013


Batman #17 Death of the Family and the big climax which to this old reviewer  is just another letdown as there was nothing really new in the end.  While the characters might or might not change really this Super Mega Story was just another piece of good publicity.  The story could have been grand and it would have been amazing if the Family had actually been harmed.  I thought maybe Batman’s solution to the Joker problem was going to work.  But it was a bluff at least when we see the aftermath.  This was the chance for the New52 the Batman writers to do something new and special and instead they just reset the story which is just a typical copout that chased me away from comic books in the first place.  I am very disappointed in this story, very disappointed. 

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Batgirl #17 - I picked this issue up by mistake I thought it was part of the Death of the Family Story line.  Technically it is not a Death of the Family Story, but it is an aftermath story.  Unfortunately it is a rather lame story.  I’m not really believing her brother is that smart or anything for that matter.  It is just lazy writing to put the hero just one step behind the villain and say “ohhh look danger”, when actually it is just the writer going “Awww she was too late to save lives now we can make her feel guilty or stupid.” I could just read the X-Men or older Spider-Man to get the same type of plot / story.  On the other hand Firebug could be interesting.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Katana #1

Katana #1 was interesting I am not familiar with this newer  version of Katana.  I remember the character from long ago with the Outsiders.  Not sure how long I will continue to read a Shogun Wolverine rip off.  If your only selling point is “From the pages of Justice League of America” and not the characters other long history there might be a problem.  I will give it an issue or two more to find out.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Comedian! Before Watchmen

Comedian #5 or still Before Watchmen is another blah blah blah blah blah issue.  All the Comedian does is talk about how good he is how smart he is how American he is.  This is just repeating the same old same old.  We know the Comedian is insane and actually a bad guy.  That is why his redemption in the original Watchmen series is so important.  But with a full mini-series I’m disappointed (again) that so much time and energy is wasted on covering the same material issue after issue.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Hawkeye #6

Hawkeye #6 or Six Nights in the Life of Hawkeye was good, a bit nourish and like many stories in this series told out of order.  While I normally complain about the art at least in the fight with A.I.M. it looked good though a bit video game like.   Hawkeye is still dealing with the Bro gang and with luck that will all work out.

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Hawkeye #7 or Hurricane Sandy’s revenge was another good story.  Hawkeye just cannot seem to win for losing when trying to help people.  But both stories work out as you knew they would while showing that people are good to each other and try to help out even in disasters.  I would go into more detail but I just do not want to spoil the story at all.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

X-Treme X-Men!

X-Treme X-men #9 was another very entertaining story. We have a Wizard of Oz (Gha-No-Shah) Xavier ruling a world of various mutant strains. The two Alison’s argue, Herc and Howlett flirt all and all a good story that advances the overall story arc. I like the whole Hercules and Wolverine are lovers, so not their normal storyline.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Silver Surfer!

The Silver Surfer One-Shot by Stan Lee and Moebius – this is a reprint of the older two part mini-series story named Parable.  The story itself is old as time – a story of gods power and greed by the people who would worship them.  Can the Silver Surfer save mankind of itself when mankind begins to worship Galactus.  The art is classic Moebius but the story is much better than the norm for Stan Lee.  If you get a chance you should check this story out.  There is a lot of bonus material that some people may find interesting.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

All Star Western!

All Star Western #16 Featuring Jonah Hex – The art has improved!  I like the slightly more realistic (for a comic book) look.   The story itself was great, I like the nurse was well written talented and ready to stand up to Hex.  Also actually getting to see Arkham’s mother and some of background was very interesting.  I was glad to see the end of the Hyde storyline.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Dark Knight!

Batman the Dark Knight number sixteen – was kind of long and a bit boring.  This was the introductory issue of a story that will cover more than this single issue.  I’m all for adding the Mad Hatter to the current new52 world.  But what I did not need was the Spider-Man like dating drama from the life of Bruce Wayne – besides which did the Piano Lady not dump him already before the Death of the Family story?  Oh well – DC sure is convinced continuity is not a top concern of the Batman readers. 

Monday, April 1, 2013

Batman & Robin Annual!

Batman and Robin Annual #1 – A New Dark Knight Rises!  Well that was an interesting story where Damain leads Bruce Wayne on a scavenger hunt across Europe.  The story starts out typical Batman fighting someone who was not really a bad guy despite a bit of Gotham City being set on fire.  Then Bruce heads out of country and Damian takes over the family business on his own so to speak.  The little Batman manages to solve the crime and save the day from a crazy man in fiery armor.  The adventure of Bruce Wayne finding his parents past was really well done.  I was impressed with the short little stories being so well done.  It was downright cute.   This issue also managed to show how much alike the two Wayne men have turned out.